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Where conventional solutions stop, innovation begins. With this in mind, we at Bucher Hydraulics always strive to set new standards in technology, quality, manufacturing, delivery, and customer care.
27.08.2024IAA Transportation - What can you expect from us?
15.08.2024Cooperation with ME Mobil Elektronik
22.07.2024Interview with our new divison president
01.05.2024New job portal – practical overview of all our vacancies
29.02.2024The flexibly configurable GPP PowerPacks line
Nashville, TN, USA
Hanover, Germany
Detroit, MI, USA
Cartridges Common Cavities
Bucher Hydraulics Brazil
Bucher Hydraulics Wuxi
A big welcome to our world of hydraulics.
Hydraulics is the study of the flow behavior of fluids when used for transmitting signals, forces, and power. For us, this means that we are always working with the pressure of the oil flow. Not only from a physical perspective, but also in terms of new ideas and adapting to the wishes of our customers. We direct our ideas towards the needs of the market.
About us - Welcome to Bucher Hydraulics!
At Bucher Hydraulics, we live a culture that promotes open communication, personal development, and intensive teamwork across the board. This expertise is only one part of our success, however. The above-average commitment, the high levels of dedication and the initiative of our people form an immense potential on which to draw.
Locations and Job Opportunities